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Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors


MCSR / SCSR help maintain electric system static and transient stability by automatically controlling voltage / reactive power / power factor at preset level.


MCSR technology offers wide functionality pertaining to FACTS devices: strengthens grid stability, increases throughput capacity of transmission lines, reduces costs, eliminates preconditions for system blackouts, improves power quality, balances asymmetric loads, etc.


MCSR may be connected directly in line, similar to line reactors. Equipped with a neutral reactor, MCSR suppresses secondary arc during single-phase short circuit and helps successful automatic reclosure. At the same time, by adjusting its power during heavy loads the line-connected MCSR do not reduce the throughput capacity of the line.

MCSR advantages

Inherent properties of MCSR technology provide for natural advantages:

  • truly continuous control of reactive power;

  • naturally stable and high precision control, even in very weak grids;

  • very robust and reliable, with long expected lifetime (>30 years);

  • low losses and operating costs, minimum maintenance;

  • high overload and overvoltage withstand capacity, similar to power transformers;

  • compact and economic solution;

  • project execution in short times;

  • etc.

Technology standing apart

MCSR is a static Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) solution for fast dynamic compensation of reactive power:

  • Magnetically Controlled Shunt Reactors (MCSR) for 10 to 500 kV systems;

  • CSR Systems (SCSR) 10-500 kV with both inductive and capacitive compensation range;


At the core of MCSR is a high-voltage high-power ferromagnetic amplifier, whose power is continuously adjusted by changing saturation of its core. The control unit based on power electronics is a small device with only a fraction of MCSR rated power.

Full-range support

FARAMAX offers support throughout entire project cycle: from understanding of the problem to mathematical modeling and grid studies (steady-state, dynamic, power quality), from selecting optimal solutions to manufacturing, delivery, commissioning and after-sale support.


FARAMAX is dedicated to continuous perfection of the technology and extension of functionalities and areas of application.

Proyecto Cofinanciado Unión Europea

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